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Oliveira, C., Ribeiro, A. J., Veiga, F., & Silveira, I. (2016). Recent advances in nucleic acid-based delivery: From bench to clinical trials in genetic diseases. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 12(5), 841 - 862.
Bagnato, E., Gilardoni, C., Pina, S., Rodrigues, P., & Cremonte, F. (2016). Redescription and life cycle of the monorchiid Postmonorcheides maclovini Szidat, 1950 (Digenea) from the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean: Morphological and molecular data. Parasitology International, 65(1), 44 - 49.
Barateiro, A., Chen, S., Yueh, M. - F., Fernandes, A., et al. (2016). Reduced myelination and increased glia reactivity resulting from severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. Molecular Pharmacology, 89(1), 84 - 93.
Rodrigues, V., Cordeiro-da-Silva, A., Laforge, M., Silvestre, R., & Estaquier, J. (2016). Regulation of immunity during visceral Leishmania infection. Parasites and Vectors, 9(1).
Su, K. - C., Barry, Z., Schweizer, N., Maiato, H., et al. (2016). A Regulatory Switch Alters Chromosome Motions at the Metaphase-to-Anaphase Transition. Cell Reports, 17(7), 1728 - 1738.
Mota, R., Rossi, F., Andrenelli, L., Pereira, S. B., et al. (2016). Released polysaccharides (RPS) from Cyanothece sp. CCY 0110 as biosorbent for heavy metals bioremediation: interactions between metals and RPS binding sites. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 100(17), 7765 - 7775.
Andrade, C., Beato, J., Monteiro, A., Costa, Á., et al. (2016). Reply to Letter: Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography as a potential biomarker in Huntington’s disease. Movement Disorders, 31(11), 1762 - 1763.
Sant'Anna, R., Gallego, P., Robinson, L. Z., Pereira-Henriques, A., et al. (2016). Repositioning tolcapone as a potent inhibitor of transthyretin amyloidogenesis and associated cellular toxicity. Nature Communications, 7.
Pereira, P., Severo, M., Monteiro, P., Silva, P. A., et al. (2016). Results of Lumbar Endoscopic Adhesiolysis Using a Radiofrequency Catheter in Patients with Postoperative Fibrosis and Persistent or Recurrent Symptoms After Discectomy. Pain Practice, 16(1), 67 - 79.
Santos, L. M., Rodrigues, D., Alemi, M., Silva, S. C., et al. (2016). Resveratrol administration increases transthyretin protein levels, ameliorating AD features: The importance of transthyretin tetrameric stability. Molecular Medicine, 22, 597 - 607.
Silva, A. M., Osório, D. S., Pereira, A. J., Maiato, H., et al. (2016). Robust gap repair in the contractile ring ensures timely completion of cytokinesis. Journal of Cell Biology, 215(6), 789 - 799.
Pereira, C. B., Bocková, M., Santos, R. F., Santos, A. M., et al. (2016). The scavenger receptor SSc5D physically interacts with bacteria through the SRCR-containing N-terminal domain. Frontiers in Immunology, 7(OCT).
Fernandes, A. S., Morais-Cabral, J. H., & Harley, C. A. (2016). Screening for Non-Pore-Binding Modulators of EAG K+Channels. Journal of Biomolecular Screening, 21(7), 758 - 765.
Buttachon, S., Zin, W. W. May, Dethoup, T., Gales, L., et al. (2016). Secondary Metabolites from the Culture of the Marine Sponge-Associated Fungi Talaromyces tratensis and Sporidesmium circinophorum. Planta Medica, 82(9-10), 888 - 896.
Rutledge, S. D., Douglas, T. A., Nicholson, J. M., Vila-Casadesús, M., et al. (2016). Selective advantage of trisomic human cells cultured in non-standard conditions. Scientific Reports, 6.
R. Barreto, D. Orbe, Arrizabalaga, B., de la Hoz, A. B., Aragües, P., et al. (2016). Severe neonatal jaundice due to a de novo glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficient mutation. International Journal of Laboratory Hematology, 38(2), e27 - e29.
Peixoto, C., Botelho, F., Tomada, I., & Tomada, N. (2016). Sexual patterns in Portuguese medical students and its predictive factors. Revista Internacional de Andrologia, 14(2), 53 - 68.
Cunha, V., Santos, M. M., Moradas-Ferreira, P., & Ferreira, M. (2016). Simvastatin effects on detoxification mechanisms in Danio rerio embryos. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(11), 10615 - 10629.
Vidal-Castiñeira, J. R., López-Vázquez, A., Díaz-Peña, R., Diaz-Bulnes, P., et al. (2016). A Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the Il17ra Promoter Is Associated with Functional Severity of Ankylosing Spondylitis. PLoS ONE, 11(7).
Pozza, D. H., Castro-Lopes, J. M., Neto, F. L., & Avelino, A. (2016). Spared nerve injury model to study orofacial pain. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 143(MARCH), 297 - 302.
Moreira, S., & Morais-De-Sá, E. (2016). Spatiotemporal phosphoregulation of Lgl: Finding meaning in multiple on/off buttons. BioArchitecture, 6(2), 29 - 38.
Andrade, C. Jda Silva, Beato, J., Monteiro, A., Costa, Á., et al. (2016). Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography as a Potential Biomarker in Huntington's Disease. Movement Disorders, 31(3), 377 - 383.
Fernandes, S., Sousa, R., Socodato, R., & Silva, L. (2016). Stacked denoising autoencoders for the automatic recognition of microglial cells' state. In ESANN 2016 - 24th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (pp. 241 - 246).
França, Â., Pérez-Cabezas, B., Correia, A., Pier, G. B., et al. (2016). Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm-released cells induce a prompt and more marked in vivo inflammatory-type response than planktonic or biofilm cells. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7(SEP).
Martinelli, L., García-Morales, L., Querol, E., Piñol, J., et al. (2016). Structure-Guided Mutations in the Terminal Organelle Protein MG491 Cause Major Motility and Morphologic Alterations on Mycoplasma genitalium. PLoS Pathogens, 12(4).


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