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Patch, C., Sequeiros, J., & Cornel, M. C. (2009). Direct to consumer genetic tests. European Journal of Human Genetics, 17(9), 1111.
Solano-Gallego, L., Koutinas, A., Miró, G., Cardoso, L., et al. (2009). Directions for the diagnosis, clinical staging, treatment and prevention of canine leishmaniosis. Veterinary Parasitology, 165(1-2), 1 - 18.
Middleton, A., Mendes, A., Benjamin, C. M., & Howard, H. C. (2017). Direct-to-consumer genetic testing: Where and how does genetic counseling fit?. Personalized Medicine, 14(3), 249 - 257.
Martins, T., Ribeiro, J. P., & Garrett, C. (2006). Disability and quality of life of stroke survivors: Evaluation nine months after discharge. Incapacidad y calidad de vida del paciente afectado por un accidente vascular cerebral: Evaluación nueve meses después del alta hospitalariaRevista de Neurologia, 42(11), 655 - 659.
Fonseca, M. J., Costa, P., Lencastre, L., & Tavares, F. (2012). Disclosing biology teachers' beliefs about biotechnology and biotechnology education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 28(3), 368 - 381.
Faria, J., Loureiro, I., Santarém, N., Ceclio, P., et al. (2016). Disclosing the essentiality of ribose-5-phosphate isomerase B in Trypanosomatids. Scientific Reports, 6.
Mendes, A., Sousa, L., Sequeiros, J., & Clarke, A. (2017). Discredited legacy: Stigma and familial amyloid polyneuropathy in Northwestern Portugal. Social Science and Medicine, 182, 73 - 80.
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Nissinen, J., Andrade, P., Natunen, T., Hiltunen, M., et al. (2017). Disease-modifying effect of atipamezole in a model of post-traumatic epilepsy. Epilepsy Research, 136, 18 - 34.
Piovesan, D., Tabaro, F., Mičetić, I., Necci, M., et al. (2017). DisProt 7.0: A major update of the database of disordered proteins. Nucleic Acids Research, 45(D1), D219 - D227.
Carneiro, P., Duarte, M., & Videira, A. (2012). Disruption of alternative NAD(P)H dehydrogenases leads to decreased mitochondrial ROS in Neurospora crassa. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 52(2), 402 - 409.
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Pires, R. H., Karsai, Á., Saraiva, M. J., Damas, A. M., & Kellermayer, M. S. Z. (2012). Distinct Annular Oligomers Captured along the Assembly and Disassembly Pathways of Transthyretin Amyloid Protofibrils. PLoS ONE, 7(9).
Silva, A., Almeida, B., Fraga, J. S., Taboada, P., et al. (2017). Distribution of Amyloid-Like and Oligomeric Species from Protein Aggregation Kinetics. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 56(45), 14042 - 14045.
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Coelho, A., Dinis, P., Pinto, R., Gorgal, T., et al. (2010). Distribution of the High-Affinity Binding Site and Intracellular Target of Botulinum Toxin Type A in the Human Bladder. European Urology, 57(5), 884 - 890.
Fernandes, E. C., Luz, L. L., Mytakhir, O., Lukoyanov, N. V., et al. (2016). Diverse firing properties and Aβ-, Aδ-, and C-afferent inputs of small local circuit neurons in spinal lamina I. Pain, 157(2), 475 - 487.
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Costa, E., Rocha, S., Rocha-Pereira, P., Reis, F., et al. (2008). DMT1 (NRAMP2/DCT1) Genetic Variability and Resistance to Recombinant Human Erythropoietin Therapy in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients under Haemodialysis. Acta Haematologica, 120(1), 11 - 13.
Tavares, L., Correia, A., Santos, M. A., Relvas, J. B., & Pereira, P. S. (2017). dMyc is required in retinal progenitors to prevent JNK-mediated retinal glial activation. PLoS Genetics, 13(3).
Bettencourt, C., Hensman-Moss, D., Flower, M., Wiethoff, S., et al. (2016). DNA repair pathways underlie a common genetic mechanism modulating onset in polyglutamine diseases. Annals of Neurology, 79(6), 983 - 990.
Albuquerque, P., Mendes, M. V., Santos, C. L., Moradas-Ferreira, P., & Tavares, F. (2009). DNA signature-based approaches for bacterial detection and identification. Science of the Total Environment, 407(12), 3641 - 3651.
J. Fernandes, G., Olsson, I. A. S., & de Castro, A. C. Vieira. (2017). Do aversive-based training methods actually compromise dog welfare?: A literature review. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 196, 1 - 12.


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