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Matos, C. A., de Macedo-Ribeiro, S., & Carvalho, A. L. (2011). Polyglutamine diseases: The special case of ataxin-3 and Machado-Joseph disease. Progress in Neurobiology, 95(1), 26 - 48.
Couto, D., Sousa, R., Andrade, L., Leander, M., et al. (2015). Polyacrylic acid coated and non-coated iron oxide nanoparticles are not genotoxic to human T lymphocytes. Toxicology Letters, 234(2), 67 - 73.
Moutinho-Santos, T., Conde, C., & Sunkel, C. E. (2012). POLO ensures chromosome bi-orientation by preventing and correcting erroneous chromosome-spindle attachments. Journal of Cell Science, 125(3), 576 - 583.
Ribeiro, H., Oliveira, M., Ribeiro, N., Cruz, A., et al. (2009). Pollen allergenic potential nature of some trees species: A multidisciplinary approach using aerobiological, immunochemical and hospital admissions data. Environmental Research, 109(3), 328 - 333.
Drpic, D., Pereira, A. J., Barisic, M., Maresca, T. J., & Maiato, H. (2015). Polar Ejection Forces Promote the Conversion from Lateral to End-on Kinetochore-Microtubule Attachments on Mono-oriented Chromosomes. Cell Reports, 13(3), 460 - 468.
Luoma, A. M., Kuo, F., Cakici, O., Crowther, M. N., et al. (2015). Plasmalogen phospholipids protect internodal myelin from oxidative damage. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 84, 296 - 310.
Teixeira, L., Botelho, A. S., Mesquita, S. D., Correia, A., et al. (2010). Plasmacytoid and conventional dendritic cells are early producers of IL-12 in Neospora caninum-infected mice. Immunology and Cell Biology, 88(1), 79 - 86.
Pereira, D. M., Valentão, P., Correia-da-Silva, G., Teixeira, N., & Andrade, P. B. (2012). Plant secondary metabolites in cancer chemotherapy: Where are we?. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 13(5), 632 - 650.
Antón, N., Santos-Aberturas, J., Mendes, M. V., Guerra, S. M., et al. (2007). PimM, a PAS domain positive regulator of pimaricin biosynthesis in Streptomyces natalensis. Microbiology, 153(9), 3174 - 3183.
Moreira, A. C., Silva, A. M., Branco, A. F., Baldeiras, I., et al. (2017). Phytoestrogen coumestrol improves mitochondrial activity and decreases oxidative stress in the brain of ovariectomized Wistar-Han rats. Journal of Functional Foods, 34, 329 - 339.
Ascensão, A., Azevedo, V., Ferreira, R., Oliveira, E., et al. (2008). Physiological, biochemical and functional changes induced by a simulated 30 min off-road competitive motocross heat. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 48(3), 311 - 319.
Santos, J. S., Fonseca, N. A., Vieira, C. P., Vieira, J., & Casares, F. (2010). Phylogeny of the teashirt-related zinc finger (tshz) gene family and analysis of the developmental expression of tshz2 and tshz3b in the zebrafish. Developmental Dynamics, 239(3), 1010 - 1018.
Santos, C. L., Tavares, F., Thioulouse, J., & Normand, P. (2009). A phylogenomic analysis of bacterial helix-turn-helix transcription factors. FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 33(2), 411 - 429.
Santos, I., Pires, H., Almeida, J. M., Fidalgo, F., et al. (2006). Phylogenetic relationship of potato CAT1 and CAT2 genes, their differential expression in non-photosynthetic organs and during leaf development, and their association with different cellular processes. Functional Plant Biology, 33(7), 639 - 651.
Morales-Hojas, R., & Vieira, J. (2012). Phylogenetic Patterns of Geographical and Ecological Diversification in the Subgenus Drosophila. PLoS ONE, 7(11).
Elworthy, S., Pinto, J. P., Pettifer, A., Cancela, M. L., & Kelsh, R. N. (2005). Phox2b function in the enteric nervous system is conserved in zebrafish and is sox10-dependent. Mechanisms of Development, 122(5), 659 - 669.
Lima, L., Seabra, A., Melo, P., Cullimore, J., & Carvalho, H. (2006). Phosphorylation and subsequent interaction with 14-3-3 proteins regulate plastid glutamine synthetase in Medicago truncatula. Planta, 223(3), 558 - 567.
Beetz, N., Harrison, M. D., Brede, M., Zong, X., et al. (2009). Phosducin influences sympathetic activity and prevents stress-induced hypertension in humans and mice. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 119(12), 3597 - 3612.
Ferreira-Gomes, J., Adães, S., Sarkander, J., & Castro-Lopes, J. M. (2010). Phenotypic alterations of neurons that innervate osteoarthritic joints in rats. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 62(12), 3677 - 3685.
Durães, C., Machado, J. C., Portela, F., Rodrigues, S., et al. (2012). Phenotype-genotype profiles in Crohn's disease predicted by genetic markers in autophagy-related genes (GOIA study II). Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.
Durães, C., Machado, J. C., Portela, F., Rodrigues, S., et al. (2013). Phenotype-genotype profiles in Crohn's disease predicted by genetic markers in autophagy-related genes (GOIA Study II). Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 19(2), 230 - 239.
Izquierdo-Kulich, E., Rebelo, I., Tejera, E., & Nieto-Villar, J. M. (2013). Phase transition in tumor growth: I avascular development. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 392(24), 6616 - 6623.
Ghaeli, I., De Moraes, M. A., Beppu, M. M., Lewandowska, K., et al. (2017). Phase behaviour and miscibility studies of collagen/silk fibroin macromolecular system in dilute solutions and solid state. Molecules, 22(8).
Guimarães, J., & Ribeiro, J. A. M. (2010). Pharmacology of antiepileptic drugs in clinical practice. Neurologist, 16(6), 353 - 357.
Andersson, K. - E., Chapple, C. R., Cardozo, L., Cruz, F., et al. (2009). Pharmacological treatment of overactive bladder: Report from the International Consultation on Incontinence. Current Opinion in Urology, 19(4), 380 - 394.


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