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Fonseca, B. M., Teixeira, N. A., Almada, M., Taylor, A. H., et al. (2011). Modulation of the novel cannabinoid receptor - GPR55 - during rat fetoplacental development. Placenta, 32(6), 462 - 469.
Fonseca, N. A., Vieira, C. P., Schlötterer, C., & Vieira, J. (2012). The DAIBAM MITE element is involved in the origin of one fixed and two polymorphic Drosophila virilis phylad inversions. Fly, 6(2), 71 - 74.
Fonseca, B. M., Correia-da-Silva, G., Taylor, A. H., Konje, J. C., et al. (2009). Spatio-temporal expression patterns of anandamide-binding receptors in rat implantation sites: Evidence for a role of the endocannabinoid system during the period of placental development. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 7.
Fonseca, M. J., & Tavares, F. (2011). The bactericidal effect of sunlight. American Biology Teacher, 73(9), 548 - 552.
Fonseca, B. M., Correia-da-Silva, G., Taylor, A. H., Lam, P. M. W., et al. (2012). Characterisation of the endocannabinoid system in rat haemochorial placenta. Reproductive Toxicology, 34(3), 347 - 356.
Fonseca, N. A., Camacho, R., Rocha, R., & Costa, V. S. (2008). Compile the hypothesis space: Do it once, use it often. Fundamenta Informaticae, 89(1), 45 - 67.
Fonseca, B. M., Correia-da-Silva, G., Almada, M., Costa, M. A., & Teixeira, N. A. (2013). The endocannabinoid system in the postimplantation period: A role during decidualization and placentation. International Journal of Endocrinology, 2013.
Fonseca, N. A., Camacho, R., & Magalhães, A. L. (2008). Amino acid pairing at the N- and C-termini of helical segments in proteins. Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics, 70(1), 188 - 196.
Fonseca, M. J., & Tavares, F. (2011). Natural antibiotics: A hands-on activity on garlic's antibiotic properties. American Biology Teacher, 73(6), 342 - 346.
Fonseca, B. M., Costa, M. A., Almada, M., Correia-da-Silva, G., & Teixeira, N. A. (2013). Endogenous cannabinoids revisited: A biochemistry perspective. Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators, 102-103, 13 - 30.
Fonseca, N. A., Vieira, C. P., Holland, P. W. H., & Vieira, J. (2008). Protein evolution of ANTP and PRD homeobox genes. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 8(1).
Fonseca, M. J., Costa, P., Lencastre, L., & Tavares, F. (2012). Disclosing biology teachers' beliefs about biotechnology and biotechnology education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 28(3), 368 - 381.
Fonseca, M. J., Franco, N. H., Brosseron, F., Tavares, F., et al. (2011). Children's attitudes towards animals: Evidence from the RODENTIA project. Journal of Biological Education, 45(3), 121 - 128.
Fontenete, S., Barros, J., Madureira, P., Figueiredo, C., et al. (2015). Erratum to: Mismatch discrimination in fluorescent in situ hybridization using different types of nucleic acids (Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 10.1007/s00253-015-6389-4). Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 99(9), 4117.
Fontenete, S., Carvalho, D., Guimarães, N., Madureira, P., et al. (2016). Application of locked nucleic acid-based probes in fluorescence in situ hybridization. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 100(13), 5897 - 5906.
Fontenete, S., Leite, M., Guimarães, N., Madureira, P., et al. (2015). Towards fluorescence in vivo hybridization (FIVH) detection of H. pylori in gastric mucosa using advanced LNA probes. PLoS ONE, 10(4).
Fontenete, S., Carvalho, D., Lourenço, A., Guimarães, N., et al. (2016). FISHji: New ImageJ macros for the quantification of fluorescence in epifluorescence images. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 112, 61 - 69.
Fontes, F., Pereira, S., Castro-Lopes, J. M., & Lunet, N. (2016). A prospective study on the neurological complications of breast cancer and its treatment: Updated analysis three years after cancer diagnosis. Breast, 29, 31 - 38.
Fraga, A. G., Martins, T. G., Torrado, E., Huygen, K., et al. (2012). Cellular immunity confers transient protection in experimental buruli ulcer following BCG or mycolactone-negative mycobacterium ulcerans vaccination. PLoS ONE, 7(3).
Fraga, H., Faria, T. Q., Pinto, F., Almeida, A., et al. (2010). FH8 - A small EF-hand protein from Fasciola hepatica. FEBS Journal, 277(24), 5072 - 5085.
Fraga, J., Maranha, A., Mendes, V., Pereira, P. J. B., et al. (2015). Structure of mycobacterial maltokinase, the missing link in the essential GlgE-pathway. Scientific Reports, 5, 8026.
Fraga, A. G., Cruz, A., Martins, T. G., Torrado, E., et al. (2011). Mycobacterium ulcerans triggers T-cell immunity followed by local and regional but not systemic immunosuppression. Infection and Immunity, 79(1), 421 - 430.
França, M., Alberich-Bayarri, Á., Martí-Bonmatí, L., Oliveira, P., et al. (2017). Accurate simultaneous quantification of liver steatosis and iron overload in diffuse liver diseases with MRI. Abdominal Radiology, 42(5), 1434 - 1443.
França, Â., Carvalhais, V., Vilanova, M., Pier, G. B., & Cerca, N. (2016). Characterization of an in vitro fed-batch model to obtain cells released from S. epidermidis biofilms. AMB Express, 6(1).
França, Â., Pérez-Cabezas, B., Correia, A., Pier, G. B., et al. (2016). Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm-released cells induce a prompt and more marked in vivo inflammatory-type response than planktonic or biofilm cells. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7(SEP).


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