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Journal Article
Castela, Â., Gomes, P., Silvestre, R., Guardáo, L., et al. (2017). Vasculogenesis and Diabetic Erectile Dysfunction: How Relevant Is Glycemic Control?. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 118(1), 82 - 91.
Castela, A., Gomes, P., Domingues, V. F., Paíga, P., et al. (2015). Role of oxidative stress-induced systemic and cavernosal molecular alterations in the progression of diabetic erectile dysfunction. Journal of Diabetes, 7(3), 393 - 401.
Costa, C., & Vendeira, P. (2007). The penis and endothelium. Extragenital aspects of erectile dysfunction. O pénis e o endotélio. Aspectos extra genitais da disfunção eréctilRevista Internacional de Andrologia, 5(1), 50 - 58.
Tomada, I., Tomada, N., Marques, F., Vendeira, P., & Neves, D. (2008). Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) expression in high-fat diet fed rat corpus cavernosum. Preliminary results. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 14(SUPPL. 3), 126 - 129.
Tomada, N., Tomada, I., Vendeira, P., & Neves, D. (2010). Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and angiopoietins in human corpus cavernosum. BJU International, 105(2), 269 - 273.
Castela, Â., Soares, R., Rocha, F., Medeiros, R., et al. (2012). Differentially expressed angiogenic genes in diabetic erectile tissue - Results from a microarray screening. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, 105(2), 255 - 262.
Tomada, N., Tomada, I., Cruz, F., Vendeira, P., & Neves, D. (2010). Characterization of VEGF and angiopoietins expression in human corpus cavernosum during aging. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7(4 PART 1), 1410 - 1418.
Tomada, N., Tomada, I., Botelho, F., Cruz, F., & Vendeira, P. (2011). Are all metabolic syndrome components responsible for penile hemodynamics impairment in patients with erectile dysfunction? The role of body fat mass assessment. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 8(3), 831 - 839.

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