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Ingvoldstad, C., Seven, M., Taris, N., Cordier, C., et al. (2016). Components of genetic counsellor education: A systematic review of the peer-reviewed literature. Journal of Community Genetics, 7(2), 107 - 118.
Pereira, S., Zille, A., Micheletti, E., Moradas-Ferreira, P., et al. (2009). Complexity of cyanobacterial exopolysaccharides: Composition, structures, inducing factors and putative genes involved in their biosynthesis and assembly. FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 33(5), 917 - 941.
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Reis, M., Vieira, C. P., Morales-Hojas, R., Aguiar, B., et al. (2011). A comparative study of the short term cold resistance response in distantly related Drosophila species: The role of regucalcin and Frost. PLoS ONE, 6(10).
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Morales-Hojas, R., Vieira, C. P., Reis, M., & Vieira, J. (2009). Comparative analysis of five immunity-related genes reveals different levels of adaptive evolution in the virilis and melanogaster groups of Drosophila. Heredity, 102(6), 573 - 578.
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