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Marcao, A. M., Wiest, R., Schinaler, K., Wiesmann, U., et al. (2005). Adult onset metachromatic leukodystrophy without electroclinical peripheral nervous system involvement: A new mutation in the ARSA gene. Archives of Neurology, 62(2), 309 - 313.
Marcao, A. M., Wiest, R., Schinaler, K., Wiesmann, U., et al. (2005). Adult onset metachromatic leukodystrophy without electroclinical peripheral nervous system involvement: A new mutation in the ARSA gene. Archives of Neurology, 62(2), 309 - 313.
Marcao, A. M., Wiest, R., Schinaler, K., Wiesmann, U., et al. (2005). Adult onset metachromatic leukodystrophy without electroclinical peripheral nervous system involvement: A new mutation in the ARSA gene. Archives of Neurology, 62(2), 309 - 313.
Westermark, P., Benson, M. D., Buxbaum, J. N., Cohen, A. S., et al. (2005). Amyloid: Toward terminology clarification: Report from the Nomenclature Committee of the International Society Of Amyloidosis. Amyloid, 12(1), 1 - 4.
Lopes, C. S., Sampaio, P., Williams, B., Goldberg, M., & Sunkel, C. E. (2005). The Drosophila Bub3 protein is required for the mitotic checkpoint and for normal accumulation of cyclins during G2 and early stages of mitosis. Journal of Cell Science, 118(1), 187 - 198.
Moosvi, S. A., Pacheco, C. C., McDonald, I. R., de Marco, P., et al. (2005). Isolation and properties of methanesulfonate-degrading Afipia felis from Antarctica and comparison with other strains of A. felis. Environmental Microbiology, 7(1), 22 - 33.
De Matos Granja, N., Vinhas Ricardo, S. A., Longatto Filho, A., Ferreira Alves, V. A., et al. (2005). Potential use of loss of heterozygosity in pleural effusions of breast cancer metastases using the microsatellite marker of the 16q22.1 region of the CDH1 gene. Analytical and Quantitative Cytology and Histology, 27(2), 61 - 66.
Soares, M. L., Coelho, T., Sousa, A., Batalov, S., et al. (2005). Susceptibility and modifier genes in Portuguese transthyretin V30M amyloid polyneuropathy: Complexity in a single-gene disease. Human Molecular Genetics, 14(4), 543 - 553.
Swiedler, S. J., Beck, M., Bajbouj, M., Giugliani, R., et al. (2005). Threshold effect of urinary glycosaminoglycans and the walk test as indicators of disease progression in a survey of subjects with Mucopolysaccharidosis VI (Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome). American Journal of Medical Genetics, 134 A(2), 144 - 150.
Vieira, L. M. M., Kijjoa, A., Wilairat, R., Nascimento, M. S. J., et al. (2004). Bioactive friedolanostanes and 11(10→8)-abeolanostanes from the bark of Garcinia speciosa. Journal of Natural Products, 67(12), 2043 - 2047.
Castelo-Branco, P., Furger, A., Wollerton, M., Smith, C., et al. (2004). Erratum: Polypyrimidine tract binding protein modulates efficiency of polyadenylation (Molecular and Cellular Biology (2004) 24, 10 (4174-4183)). Molecular and Cellular Biology, 24(15), 6889.
Rodrigues, L. G., Tavares, M. A., Wood, J. P. M., Schmidt, K. - G., & Osborne, N. N. (2004). Methamphetamine exacerbates the toxic effect of kainic acid in the adult rat retina. Neurochemistry International, 45(8), 1133 - 1141.
Castelo-Branco, P., Furger, A., Wollerton, M., Smith, C., et al. (2004). Polypyrimidine tract binding protein modulates efficiency of polyadenylation. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 24(10), 4174 - 4183.
Moreira, M. - C., Klur, S., Watanabe, M., Németh, A. H., et al. (2004). Senataxin, the ortholog of a yeast RNA helicase, is mutant in ataxia-ocular apraxia 2. Nature Genetics, 36(3), 225 - 227.
Moreira, M. - C., Klur, S., Watanabe, M., Németh, A. H., et al. (2004). Senataxin, the ortholog of a yeast RNA helicase, is mutant in ataxia-ocular apraxia 2. Nature Genetics, 36(3), 225 - 227.
Altland, K., Winter, P., Saraiva, M. J. M., & Suhr, O. (2004). Sulfite and base for the treatment of familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy: Two additive approaches to stabilize the conformation of human amyloidogenic transthyretin. Neurogenetics, 5(1), 61 - 67.


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