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Journal Article
Nunes, M. D. S., Santos, R. A. M., Ferreira, S. M., Vieira, J., & Vieira, C. P. (2006). Variability patterns and positively selected sites at the gametophytic self-incompatibility pollen SFB gene in a wild self-incompatible Prunus spinosa (Rosaceae) population. New Phytologist, 172(3), 577 - 587.
Vieira, J., Fonseca, N. A., & Vieira, C. P. (2008). An S-RNase-based gametophytic self-incompatibility system evolved only once in eudicots. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 67(2), 179 - 190.
Vieira, J., Fonseca, N. A., & Vieira, C. P. (2009). RNase-based gametophytic self-incompatibility evolution: Questioning the hypothesis of multiple independent recruitments of the s-pollen gene. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 69(1), 32 - 41.
Morales-Hojas, R., Reis, M., Vieira, C. P., & Vieira, J. (2011). Resolving the phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary history of the Drosophila virilis group using multilocus data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 60(2), 249 - 258.
Vieira, J., Teles, E., Santos, R. A. M., & Vieira, C. P. (2008). Recombination at prunus S-locus region SLFL1 gene. Genetics, 180(1), 483 - 491.
Vieira, J., Santos, R. A. M., Habu, T., Tao, R., & Vieira, C. P. (2008). The Prunus self-incompatibility locus (S locus) is seldom rearranged. Journal of Heredity, 99(6), 657 - 660.
Fonseca, N. A., Vieira, C. P., Holland, P. W. H., & Vieira, J. (2008). Protein evolution of ANTP and PRD homeobox genes. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 8(1).
Santos, J. S., Fonseca, N. A., Vieira, C. P., Vieira, J., & Casares, F. (2010). Phylogeny of the teashirt-related zinc finger (tshz) gene family and analysis of the developmental expression of tshz2 and tshz3b in the zebrafish. Developmental Dynamics, 239(3), 1010 - 1018.
Aguiar, B., Vieira, J., Cunha, A. E., Fonseca, N. A., et al. (2013). Patterns of evolution at the gametophytic self-incompatibility Sorbus aucuparia (Pyrinae) S pollen genes support the non-self recognition by multiple factors model. Journal of Experimental Botany, 64(8), 2423 - 2434.
Reis, M., Vieira, C. P., Morales-Hojas, R., & Vieira, J. (2008). An old bilbo-like non-LTR retroelement insertion provides insight into the relationship of species of the virilis group. Gene, 425(1-2), 48 - 55.
Vieira, J., Fonseca, N. A., Santos, R. A. M., Habu, T., et al. (2008). The number, age, sharing and relatedness of S-locus specificities in Prunus. Genetics Research, 90(1), 17 - 26.
Aguiar, B., Vieira, J., Cunha, A. E., & Vieira, C. P. (2015). No evidence for Fabaceae Gametophytic self-incompatibility being determined by Rosaceae, Solanaceae, and Plantaginaceae S-RNase lineage genes. BMC Plant Biology, 15(1).
Seabra, A. R., Vieira, C. P., Cullimore, J. V., & Carvalho, H. G. (2010). Medicago truncatula contains a second gene encoding a plastid located glutamine synthetase exclusively expressed in developing seeds. BMC Plant Biology, 10.
MacEdo, M. F., Porto, G., Costa, M., Vieira, C. P., et al. (2010). Low numbers of CD8 + T lymphocytes in hereditary haemochromatosis are explained by a decrease of the most mature CD8 + effector memory T cells. Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 159(3), 363 - 371.
Vieira, C. P., Almeida, A., Dias, J. D., & Vieira, J. (2006). On the location of the gene(s) harbouring the advantageous variant that maintains the X/4 fusion of Drosophila americana. Genetical Research, 87(3), 163 - 174.
Morales-Hojas, R., Vieira, C. P., & Vieira, J. (2008). Inferring the evolutionary history of Drosophila americana and Drosophila novamexicana using a multilocus approach and the influence of chromosomal rearrangements in single gene analyses. Molecular Ecology, 17(12), 2910 - 2926.
Vieira, J., Santos, R. A. M., Ferreira, S. M., & Vieira, C. P. (2008). Inferences on the number and frequency of S-pollen gene (SFB) specificities in the polyploid Prunus spinosa. Heredity, 101(4), 351 - 358.
Vieira, J., & Vieira, C. P. (2010). On the identification of human selected loci in grapevines. Heredity, 104(4), 327 - 328.
Tsukamoto, T., Potter, D., Tao, R., Vieira, C. P., et al. (2008). Genetic and molecular characterization of three novel S-haplotypes in sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.). Journal of Experimental Botany, 59(11), 3169 - 3185.
Fonseca, N. A., Vieira, C. P., & Vieira, J. (2009). Gene classification based on amino acid motifs and residues: The DLX (distal-less) test case. PLoS ONE, 4(6).
Vieira, J., Ferreira, P. G., Aguiar, B., Fonseca, N. A., & Vieira, C. P. (2010). Evolutionary patterns at the RNase based gametophytic self - Incompatibility system in two divergent Rosaceae groups (Maloideae and Prunus). BMC Evolutionary Biology, 10(1).
Morales-Hojas, R., Vieira, C. P., & Vieira, J. (2006). The evolutionary history of the transposable element Penelope in the Drosophila virilis group of species. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 63(2), 262 - 273.
Päällysaho, S., Vieira, C. P., Hoikkala, A., & Vieira, J. (2005). Evidence for introgression in differentiated North-American and Finnish Drosophila montana populations. Genetica, 123(3), 285 - 293.


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