We would like to invite you to the XXXVIII Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Immunology (SPI) on the theme “From Immune Disorders to Immunotherapies”. The event will take place in Porto between the 25th and 27th November 2012.
The 2012 SPI meeting has a rich scientific programme, which will cover the very latest developments in the understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms associated to Immune-related pathologies as well as the efficient therapeutic strategies to correct those immunological defects.
Our annual congress is a mandatory date for all researchers and clinicians of basic and clinical immunology, and affords many networking opportunities to the establishment of collaborative projects in fundamental and translational Immunology.
The SPI annual meeting promises to follow the success of our previous meetings. The meeting is structured in 40’ keynote lectures given by International speakers, 20’ national lectures by Portuguese researchers and 12’ short-communications selected within the submitted abstracts. More information will be provided closer to the conference date.
The Organizing Committee
TEL: +351 226 074 912 | EMAIL: ACORREIA@IBMC.UP.PT