TRICONT Project Programme in is a project approved under the Programme of the ERA-Net New INDIGO. Bringing together leading international scientists, a stable team of cutting-edge research in New drug targets against trypanosomatides has been established the cooperation between Europe and India as an endemic country. The construction and remarkable work of the Network since 2007 has been possible thanks to the great efforts of it Indian partner member as a coordenator of the F7 project that has been apply to the call “News Tools to control trypanososmatids” and the increasing number of european collaborators.
The project is structured in a virtual support center where research groups who cover practically all the areas of New Indigo share resources, equipment and information with universities and public administration. The ultimate goal of this Network is to develop and patent drugs for the treatment of trypanosomatides, namelly leishmaniasis, Sleeping sickness, Chagas disease and initiate preclinical and clinical trials.
The training of new researchers is also one of the main priorities of the Network. These young researchers see enriched their education. Also, the research of these groups is providing outstanding results evident in the scientific quality of their articles and studies that the groups present at conferences worldwide.
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