The story behind the CV

Informal conversations with inspiring STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths) professionals. An opportunity to know the story behind their career successes, with a focus on the experiences, struggles, career decisions and achievements. Come join us to get to know the stories behind our guests' successes. Each encounter will be accompanied by beverages and munchies.


i3S Entrance Hall | Rua Alfredo Allen, 208 | 4200-135 Porto


Alexandre Quintanilha | January 15th | 4.30 PM
President of the Parliamentary Commission for Education and Science. Former tenured professor at ICBAS. Former President of INEB and former IBMC Director.


Paula Alves | March 15th | 4.30 PM
Principal Investigator at ITQB NOVA in the field of biotechnology. CEO at iBET, a non-profit research organisation offering services to the health, pharma and food industries.


Paul Nurse | May 24th | 5 PM
CEO and Director of The Francis Crick Institute. Former President of the Royal Society. Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine in 2001. Recognised with a knighthood in 1999.


Free entrance but registration is required.



Organized by: i3S Post-doc Association (iPDA)



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