instituto de biologia molecular e celular | institute for molecular and cell biology
Title | Enzyme replacement therapy for mucopolysaccharidosis VI: Long-term cardiac effects of galsulfase (Naglazyme®) therapy |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2013 |
Authors | Braunlin, E, Rosenfeld, H, Kampmann, C, Johnson, J, Beck, M, Giugliani, R, Guffon, N, Ketteridge, D, SáMiranda, CM, Scarpa, M, Schwartz, IV, Leão Teles, E, Wraith, JE, Barrios, P, Dias da Silva, E, Kurio, G, Richardson, M, Gildengorin, G, Hopwood, JJ, Imperiale, M, Schatz, A, Decker, C, Harmatz, P |
Journal | Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease |
Volume | 36 |
Issue | 2 |
Pagination | 385 - 394 |
Date Published | 2013 |
URL | |
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