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Birder, L. A., Kanai, A. J., Cruz, F., Moore, K., & Fry, C. H. (2010). Is the urothelium intelligent?. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 29(4), 598 - 602.
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Antunes-Lopes, T., Coelho, A., Pinto, R., Barros, S. C., et al. (2017). Urinary Neurotrophin Levels Increase in Women With Stress Urinary Incontinence After a Midurethral Sling Procedure. Urology, 99, 49 - 56.
Antunes-Lopes, T., Pinto, R., Barros, S. C., Botelho, F., et al. (2013). Urinary neurotrophic factors in healthy individuals and patients with overactive bladder. Journal of Urology, 189(1), 359 - 365.
Coelho, A., Wolf-Johnston, A. S., Shinde, S., Cruz, C. D., et al. (2015). Urinary bladder inflammation induces changes in urothelial nerve growth factor and TRPV1 channels. British Journal of Pharmacology, 172(7), 1691 - 1699.
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Chen, Z., Wang, C., Zheng, C., Long, Z., et al. (2017). Ubiquitin-related network underlain by (CAG)nloci modulate age at onset in Machado-Joseph disease. Brain, 140(4), e25.


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