instituto de biologia molecular e celular | institute for molecular and cell biology
Title | Lipoarabinomannan mannose caps do not affect mycobacterial virulence or the induction of protective immunity in experimental animal models of infection and have minimal impact on in vitro inflammatory responses |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 2012 |
Authors | Afonso-Barroso, A, Clark, SO, Williams, A, Rosa, GT, Nóbrega, C, Silva-Gomes, S, Vale-Costa, S, Ummels, R, Stoker, N, Movahedzadeh, F, van der Ley, P, Sloots, A, Cot, M, Appelmelk, BJ, Puzo, G, Nigou, J, Geurtsen, J, Appelberg, R |
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