instituto de biologia molecular e celular | institute for molecular and cell biology
The first edition of the Course in Experimental Design and Analysis of data for research with animalsis now open for registration.
This 30h course is intended for researchers and research students who plan, design and analyze the results
Health Sciences Research Centre, Universidade de Beira Interior (CICS) is planning to host a Laboratory Animal Course, following FELASA recommendations for
Nova legislação de experimentação animal - que implicações da Diretiva 63/2010/UE?
Ana Paula Martins, Direção-Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária
The NC3Rs, the British Pharmacological Society and the Physiological Society are hosting a joint symposium in central London on 11 October 2012 to discuss opportunities for developing new and better models of experimental pain,
The NC3Rs, Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour and
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