The set-up used for laser microsurgery is designed to ablate intra-cellular structures at the sub-micron level. We use an infinity-conjugated Nikon Eclipse TE2000-U microscope with a ‘stage-up kit’ and an extra filter turret added in the plane-wave region of the microscope (between the objective and the tube lens), which allows the injection of external, collimated, light beams into the microscope’s light path.
Advanced Light Microscopy (Head: Paula Sampaio)
Histology and Electron Microscopy Service (Head: Rui Fernandes)
Animal Facility (Head: Mónica Sousa)
Cell Culture and Genotyping (Head: Paula Magalhães)
Advanced Flow Cytometry Unit (Head: Catarina Meireles)
Protein Production and Purification Unit (Head: Frederico Silva)
Radioactivity (Head: Joana Correia)
Services Unit for Interfaces and Macromolecules (Head: Manuela Brás)
Proteomics Unit (Head: Hugo Osório)
X-ray Crystallography Unit (Head: Pedro Pereira)
Genomics and Sequencing Unit (Head: Ana Mafalda Rocha)
Bioimaging Unit (Head: Maria Lazaro)
Bioscience Screening Unit (Head: André Maia)