Projeto cofinanciado por:


Projecto nº: 031674

Referência do Projecto: PTDC/MEC-NEU/31674/2017 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031674)

Título: AVC em translação: Biomarcadores para diagnóstico e decisão terapêutica no AVC isquémico

Montante envolvidos:

Investimento total: 239.928,80 €

IBMC-Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular - 196.179,80€

Apoio FEDER: 166.752,93€

Apoio OE: 29.426,97€

Localização do projecto: Porto, Portugal

           IPATIMUP - 15.000,00€

Apoio FEDER: 12.750,00€

Apoio OE: 2.250,00€

Localização do projecto: Porto, Portugal


Sintese do projecto:

Acute ischemic Stroke (AIS) is a very frequent disease with an enormous clinical and societal impact in the world. Current treatments for the acute stage have shown good efficacy, still the majority of patients are left without therapy due to wrong or delayed diagnosis. We intend to change this tragic scenario with better molecular and imaging diagnostic tools. For that matter, we will use parallel mouse and human AIS prospective cohorts with matching outcomes for biomarker discovery. Blood proteome and circulating small RNAs will be targeted in AIS mouse models that faithfully mimic AIS patients, to develop an integrated multi-marker panel for AIS diagnosis/management. The AIS human cohort will be used for clinical validation. A leading clinical centre (CHP) and leading research institutes (IBMC, IPATIMUP/I3S) together with a multi-disciplinary international team, hold the tools and have the skills to tackle a relevant health problem ultimately aiming at reducing AIS societal impact.

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