Ethics Committees

Both the Human Ethics and Animal Ethics Committees provide advice on research proposals and procedures. All projects to be evaluated should be sent to Catarina Carona ( with the respective documents from the Check-list in the case of the Human Ethics Committee.


Animal Ethics Committee

All projects that include the use of animals are screened by the ethics committee (for guidelines and procedures please click here). This committee also sponsor public debates on ethics, which have had significant participation from students, researchers and the general public. It is as a result of one of these discussions that the following Public Statement on Animal Research has been issued:

• The evolutionary similarity between species makes it possible to learn about biology in health and disease by studying other species. Therefore, correctly designed and well-executed research with animals provides results that are useful in understanding human disease, in the development of treatment and in advancing scientific knowledge in general.

• Animals, in particular vertebrates, are sentient beings. Their health and welfare matter to them; they can suffer from physical as well as psychological harm.

• Both animal welfare and human health are morally relevant issues and research with animals creates an ethical dilemma between the two.

• Animals are used as one of several research approaches at IBMC•INEB and will continue to be used in studies where there is no scientifically equivalent alternative.

• In order to promote best practice, IBMC•INEB organizes training for all personnel involved in research with animals and has an institutional ethics committee reviewing all projects with animals.

• Research done at IBMC•INEB respects the 3Rs principle of Replacement (of animal research with alternative methods), Reduction (of the number of animals used) and Refinement (of research protocols in order to minimize the harm caused to animals). This is both an individual and institutional responsibility. A correct application of the 3Rs principle in combination with high-quality research is the most effective way of easing the ethical dilemma between animal welfare and human benefit.

• IBMC•INEB plays an active role in the public debate over animal research. Statement created with the collaboration of Biosense.


Animal Ethics Committee members

Alexandre Quintanilha
Anna Olsson
Anabela Cordeiro da Silva
André Pereira
Isabel Duarte
Meriem Lemghari
Sofia Lamas
Teresa Summavielle

Substitute members:

Nuno Santos
João Relvas
Ana Pego


Human Ethics Committee IBMCINEB

Anna Olsson (IBMC)
Fátima Macedo (IBMC)
Filomena Ribeirinho (Reitoria da UP)
Isabel Silveira (IBMC)
João Manuel Lopes (FMUP, IPATIMUP)
João Pinto de Sousa (FMUP, IPATIMUP)
Marília Morais (INEB)
Susana Santos (INEB)


Human Ethics Committee Regulation

Documents for Evaluation of projects

Check-list of supporting documents

Project Proposal

Boas Práticas na investigação por entrevista 



Lei n.º 12/2005, de 26 de Janeiro- Informação genética pessoal e informação de saúde

Lei n.o 67/98, de 26 de Outubro-Lei da Protecção de Dados Pessoais


Portaria CEIC 2014




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